4 Stars Support the Goals
Jenny Bell - Marketing Manager
Jenny Bell
Marketing Manager
28 June 2023
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Our ESG Report -The Benefits Of Sustainability On Our Environment

ESG concept of environmental, social and governance


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What is ESG reporting?

ESG reporting is a type of corporate disclosure that details the environmental, social and governance (ESG) promises, efforts and progress of an organisation with regards to its sustainable and ethical impact on the environment, society and governance. 

Claritas Solutions Embarks on its own ‘Green Journey’

We recognise the serious consequences of climate change and understand that environmental sustainability is an important area where we should play our part. An ESG report is an opportunity for an organisation to provide a milestone update on progress towards environmental, social and corporate governance goals. Its aim is to provide an accurate account of efforts undertaken and the expected impact of those efforts from both a qualitative and quantitative perspective with ESG data.

It is with great pride we publish our inaugural 2022/23 ESG report providing transparency on our ESG efforts and progress. Download here


We are extremely proud to receive a four star rating. Support the Goals is a global initiative that was established to rate and recognise businesses that support the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) to work towards a more sustainable future. A four star rating is awarded to organisations who are active in their efforts towards reaching these goals.  The United Nations SDGs are an universal call for action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. Agreed in 2015, by world leaders, the support of business is fundamental to the achievement of these goals.

4 Stars Support the Goals